• Rainforestation - arming aims to replace the more destructive forms of "Kaingin" practices, form a buffer zone around primary forests, protect their biodiversity, help maintain the water cycle, and provide farmers with stable and higher incomes. Rainforestation evolves from various efforts to sustain human food production and simultaneously preserve the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems and their vital functions to human kind.
  • Evaluation of Silvicultural Management, Ecological Chances and Market Study of Products of Existing Rainforestation Demo Farm. (Funded by: (Deutsche Gesellsschaaft Für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) - Leyte Island Program, Buffer Zone Forest Management and Reforestation by Small Holder Communities Project)
    • Monitoring Response of Trees to Silvicultural Management
    • Performance Evaluation and Monitoring of Existing Demo Farm: Trees, Soil Nutrients Dynamics, and Wildlife
    • Marketing Study of "Rainforestation" Farm Products
  • Targeting Technology Intervention for Food Security in the Philippines: A GIS Application for Agricultural Research Prioritization - aims to collate, integrate, and analyze the different data sets that are to be made, both at the regional and national levels. (Funded by: DA-BAR)
    • GIS Application for Suitability Evaluation of Biophysical Environments for Rice, Rootcrops, Abaca, Coconut, Fruitcrops, and Poultry and Livestock.
    • GIS Application for Mapping of Agricultural Technology and Field Level Practices in Rice, Rootcrops, Abaca, Coconut, Fruitcrops, and Poultry and Livestock.
    • GIS Application for mapping and Farmer Knowledge System in Rice, Rootcrops, Abaca, Coconut, Fruitcrops, and Poultry and Livestock.
    • GIS Application for Agricultural Research Prioritization in Region VIII.

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