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healthy bakery products developed by Philippine Root Crops & Training Center (PhilRootctops). Its raw ingredients are made of dried cassava grates with health attributes like low glycemic index, glutten-free, high in dietary fibers and minerals. Another raw material for this product is its chocolate and oats which add up flavor to the product. The product is made of dried cassava grates.

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slices of unripe cardava bananas that are deep fried or dehydrated to become crispy, coated with sugar, salt or spices. It is a healthy snack which is an alternative to potato.

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slices of Takudo that are deep fried or dehydrated to become crispy, coated with sugar, salt or spices. This is an alternative to potato chips.

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a sweet crunchy snack rich in energy, dietary fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. It is processed without artificial preservatives that can compromise your health. Every bite comes with real jackfruit goodness!

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a sweet fermented beverage from a newly developed purplish-white variety of taro and black rice, Arabon. A "dessert wine" that is rich in anthocyanin, a natural antioxidant. So, health conscious people should not miss Tarroz with an indigenous Balinese microbial state that is used in fermentation. The sweet alcoholic pure extract will surely clinch the thirst of those with strong passion for good wine.

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Takudo Chips are slices of Takudo that are deep fried or dehydrated to become crispy, coated with sugar, salt or spices. This is an alternative to potato chips. Taro root is a starchy root of vegetable originally cultivated in Asia but is now also being enjoyed around the world.

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healthy bakery products developed by Philippine Root Crops & Training Center (PhilRootctops). Its raw ingredients are made of dried cassava grates with health attributes like low glycemic index, glutten-free, high in dietary fibers and minerals. Another raw material for this product is its chocolate and oats which add up flavor to the product. The product is made of dried cassava grates

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delicious baked product from cassava grates and a glutten-free snack. Its texture is crunchy on the outside and chewy in the middle. It taste like the usual sweet macaroons.

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made up of dried cassava grates, instead of the usual brownies made from baking flour. This product has health attributes such as low glycemic index, glutten-free, high in dietary fibers and rich in minerals.

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snack food is made from extruded dried cassava grates with a certain mixture of water, oil and salt. Product comes in varied flavors.

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oblong, thick, brittle cookies. The word "Biscotti" comes from bis and cotti, the italian term for "twice-baked" because the cookies must be baked twice to make them dry and crunchy and could be stored for three to four months without preservatives.

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fresh, healthy and nutritious natural drink from 7-8 months old "buko" (water and meat).

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Mushroom in brine is a value added product wherein mushroom was converted and processed through steaming and soaking to increase its shelf life or stability.