
The Department has two sections: Agricultural Economics which covers all areas and applications of economics in the field of agriculture and agro-industries, and Economics which focuses mainly on understanding and articulating relevant economic theories and principles.

Vision, Mission, and Goals

Course Offered 
Bachelor of Science in Economics

Research and Extension Agenda

The Department's RDE agenda generally focused on issues relating to natural resource management, rural development, poverty studies, and agricultural productivity and efficiency. 
Current researches and extension conducted by the DoE includes enhancing profitability of vegetable farmers in the Visayas, valuation of natural resources, impact assessment of selected agricultural practices and policies. 


Services Offered

The Department also offered specialised trainings or short courses such as: 
  1. Basic data management and software orientation for SPSS and STATA
  2. Socio-economic analysis
  3. Impact assessment and policy analysis 
  4. Economic valuation

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