The team earned 15 gold, 7 silver, and 2 bronze medals after competing in full contact and anyo (form) categories with athletes from Palompon Institute of Technology and Naval State University.

Joselle Cayetano, an instructor at VSU’s Institute of Human Kinetics and Arnis Coach, admitted that they did not have ample time to prepare for the event because the VSU Arnis Team was only created after the VSU Intramurals in September. Cayetano said they managed to do exercises four hours before the anyo competition in the Regional SCUAA games.

arnis team

“With prayers and diligence, we managed to become the first overall champion for arnis competition,” said a beaming Cayetano.

 With a more positive outlook for VSU Arnis Team, Cayetano hopes to recruit more students to join their growing team.
 Arnis, the Philippine martial arts, is a recent addition to the main events of the Regional SCUAA games.


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