• Rainforestation Farming - the training will address the conservation, protection and restoration of the biodiversity of the Philippine rainforest.
  • International Seminar-Workshop on Tropical Ecology - this yearly seminar workshop is organized by the Institute of Tropical Ecology, Leyte State University, Philippines, University of Hohemheim, Germany, University of Satya Wacana, Indonesia and University of Halle, Germany.
  • Scuba Diving - this training facilities learning of the biota in marine ecosystem and their interrelationships with each other and their physical environment. It will help develop a deeper appreciation of the beauty and functionality of marine ecosystems which, in turn, strengthens their understanding of the need to protect and conserve marine habitats.
  • Natural Resource Management and Conservation - the training will focus on the rehabilitation of degraded lands (including rainforestation), erosion control, integrated soil management and biodiversity assessment and conservation.
  • Ecological Impact of Mining Activities - the seminar will focus on the impacts mining/minerals processing on the air, water and soil resources as well as on human health.
  • Coastal Resource Management - the training will address the conservation, protection and restoration of coastal habitats.
  • Soil Waste Management - the training will focus on the proper collection and household and agricultural waste.

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