News / Obelisk

Upgraded PTCL

The Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory (PTCL) of the VSU Department of Horticulture (DOH) is now upgraded with new equipment and laboratory glassware to produce selected bamboo planting materials and other horticultural crops.

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B2L 2024

To assist the project on Asiatic Palm Weevil (APW), a type of pest that is a major threat to coconut production, the VSU Department of Pest Management (DPM) upgraded the old biocontrol room into a bigger facility capable of mass-producing biocontrol agents or beneficial microorganisms to control pests of coconut and other intercrops.

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FFD 2024 Ugmad

For VSU’s 100th Anniversary, the university widened the scope of its search for the UGMAD Awardees to the entire Visayas region.

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ACIAR 2024

In a reception ceremony held in honor of the Australian Commission for International Agricultural Research, top officials of the Visayas State University went to Manila to engage in high-level discussions with a longtime institutional partner of the university.

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FMPC 2024

VSU’s dependable partner in cassava production, the Fatima Multi-Purpose Cooperative (FMPC) finally realized its own Root Crop Processing Plant, considered the biggest facility in the region.

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