News / Obelisk

CoN - STIKes MUS and UNS

The Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mamba’ul ‘Ulum Surakarta (STIKes MUS) together with the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) visited VSU College of Nursing (CON) and discussed partnership collaboration to advance nursing education and research engagement between universities. 

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VSU awards in DBM

With great pride and joy, our beloved university has been recognized as one of the top performing universities in the region after receiving three awards at the Pagpupugay sa Serbisyong Bayan: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges VIII (PASUC8) Tribute and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Awards for Top Performers 2023.

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B2L 2024

To assist the project on Asiatic Palm Weevil (APW), a type of pest that is a major threat to coconut production, the VSU Department of Pest Management (DPM) upgraded the old biocontrol room into a bigger facility capable of mass-producing biocontrol agents or beneficial microorganisms to control pests of coconut and other intercrops.

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Upgraded PTCL

The Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory (PTCL) of the VSU Department of Horticulture (DOH) is now upgraded with new equipment and laboratory glassware to produce selected bamboo planting materials and other horticultural crops.

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Balik Scientist Valida

VSU’s fisheries and fish ecology expert from the Department of Biological Sciences (DBS) is a recipient of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Balik Scientist Program (BSP) award, a prestigious grant given to Filipino scientists to encourage them to serve in our country.

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