Enrolment Procedure for Incoming New Students SY 2019-2020

Step 1. Medical Examination
Venue: VSU Infirmary
Required Documents:
Laboratory Exam Results:
- Chest x-ray
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Urinalysis
- Fecalysis
All Medical Laboratory Tests must be done at the VSU Infirmary only. Laboratory test results conducted outside will NOT be accepted.
√ Medical Certificate issued by the VSU Infirmary
Step 2. Submission of Medical Certificate and requirements and filling out of Admission Form
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 1
Required Documents:
New First Year Students:
[ ] Medical Certificate from VSU Infirmary
[ ] Original copy of Form 138
[ ] Certificate of Good Moral Character
[ ] Original copy of PSA Birth Certificate
[ ] Six copies of 1x1 ID picture, colored with white background
Qualified Transferees & Second Courses:
[ ] Medical Certificate from VSU Infirmary
[ ] TOR or Informative Copy of Grades signed by Registrar of the previous school and evaluated by VSU Registrar
[ ] Certificate of Transfer Credentials or Honorable Dismissal from the previous school
[ ] Statement of Good Moral Character
[ ] Original copy of PSA Birth Certificate
[ ] Six copies of 1x1 ID picture, colored with white background
[ ] Medical Certificate from VSU Infirmary
√ Accomplished Admission Form ( 2 copies)
Step 3. Filling out of Dormitory Application Form
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 2
Required Documents:
Accomplished Admission Form (1 copy)
(Non-Dorm Applicants: Proceed to Step 5)
√ Accomplished Dormitory Application Form (1 copy)
Step 4. Submission of Entrance Credentials and Accomplished Admission Form to Registrar’s Office Staff for issuance of Registration Permit and Block Section Assignment
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 4
Required Documents:
Refer to documents required in Step 2.
√ Registration Permit with Block Section Assignment
Step 5. Issuance of Student Number and Encoding of Block Schedule
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 5
Required Documents:
Registration Permit with Block Section Assignment
√ Registration Permit with Student Number and Encoder’s Name and Signature
Step 6. Payment of Dormitory Fees
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 3
Required Documents:
Accomplished Dormitory Application Form
(For Dorm Applicants)
√ Official Receipt of Dormitory Fees
Step 7. Printing of Certificate of Registration (COR) and Validation of COR.
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 6
Required Documents:
Registration Permit with Student Number and Encoder’s Name and Signature
√ Validated COR: 3 copies
1–Registrar’s File
2–USSO File
3–Student’s File
Step 8. Submission of USSO’s copy of COR and presentation of Official Receipt of Dormitory Fees
Venue: VSU Old Library Building - Counter 2
Required Documents:
Validated COR
Official Receipt of Dormitory Fees (For Dorm Applicants only)
√ Dormitory Residence Permit (For Dorm Applicants only )