Fifth VP, campus chancellors in VSU’s new org structure
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Published: 10 January 2020

VSU President Edgardo E. Tulin unveiled a new organizational structure for Visayas State University, that will define the institution’s operations for the new decade.
The biggest change is the establishment of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services, its fifth VP as a Level IV SUC.
The satellite campuses will now be called Component Colleges, headed by Campus Chancellors instead of Deans.
“This structure is designed to address the needs of the university in terms of fulfilling our mission,” he said on January 9, Thursday during its launching at the RDE Hall.
“The things which we find difficult in the past, and we know that certain offices can be created in order to correct, or in order to speed up the processes in the university, compliance with statutory, and regulatory mechanisms in the country. So, these are all incorporated into our new organizational structure.”
The new structure has paved the creation, merging, and renaming of offices.
The Information Office and the VSU Web Team will form the University Integrated Information Center.
The Offices of the Vice Presidents for Instruction; for Planning, Resource Generation, & External Affairs; and Research & Extension, are renamed: Academic Affairs; Planning Resource Generation and Auxiliary Services; and Research, Extension, & Innovation, respectively.
Among the notable changes is the establishment of the University Industry Council (UIC), which will join the University Administrative Council and the University Academic Council. The office aims to link the university for industry engagement, in a bid to make VSU’s programs relevant to the real world of business and work.
According to the President, the new structure may be revisited yearly to identify what best suits the university and to make changes as needed. The new structure will take effect in March 2020.
The Going Global Master Plan
In the same event, Dr. Tulin discussed the new internationalization plan for the year 2020.
Among the priorities this year are as follows:
- Launching and operationalization of the Revised Organizational Structure
- Launching of the VSU Internationalization Plan
- Completion of all unfinished infrastructure projects in the main campus and all component colleges
- Procurement and delivery/construction of all capital outlay projects for 2020
- Procurement and installation of air-conditioning units in the new library
- Installation of streetlights around the main campus and component colleges
- Strengthen the waste disposal system
- no plastic policy in all campuses
- install water-refilling stations
- provide/manufacture VSU logo water canisters which can be used as giveaways during conferences and seminars - Obtain ISO 9001:2015
- Submit for QS star ranking
- Sustain partnership with AAACU, AAUN, etc.
- Compliance and passing the 2020 PBB
Academic Affairs
- COPC compliance of all programs
- AACCUP accreditation
- An offering of BOR- approved graduate programs once the moratorium is lifted by CHED (target by 1st sem)
- Establish and promote long-distance education for forestry and tropical ecology
- Provide 10 foreign students scholarships by 1st sem
- Sustain and support student international exchange programs
- Initially plan out a partnership with ASEAN university for a credit transfer mechanism and joint degree programs in agriculture, forestry, and engineering
- Institute and implement programs/process/mechanism to improve the passing percentage of first-time licensure exam takers
- Conduct tracer study (institution-wide) of graduates that are employed two years prior
- Coordinate and plan out the offering of non-CHED and non-RDC priority programs to match with university performance targets
- Submitting the university for SUC leveling
Research, Extension, and Innovation
- Institute junior graduate faculty research mentorship program and prioritize funding support from RDE funds
- Increase the number of publications from 50 to 70 using the PREXC indicators
- Increase the number of active partnerships with stakeholders
- Increase the number of trainees weighted by the length of training
- To sustain collaboration with foreign funding agencies like ACIAR on food and vegetable value chain, forestry and forest restoration technologies.
- To engage in research and extension activities on water resources management with IHE-Delft, Netherlands.
- To develop and expand new innovation areas in the molecular marker for crop diversity analysis and pest disease diagnosis; material science from natural fibers including abaca and natural products from indigenous medicinal plants for agriculture, health and wellness.
Planning, Resource Generation and Commercialization
- Come up with the Land Use Plan/VSU Development Plan
- Establish a business model/enterprise for commercialization of root crops, coconut and jackfruit products with a focus on cassava cookies, biscotti, and vacuum-fried jackfruit.
- Obtain national and institutional accreditations of food testing laboratory.
- Obtain product Registration and Compliance to International Standards
- BFAD registration, nutritional labeling, and license to operate - Preparation of the 2021 Capital Outlay
- rubberized oval
- student center
- centennial marker
- centennial academic center (smart classrooms, faculty lounge)