Nursing studes push for disaster resilience by training Viscans on first aid
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- Written by Dhea Angela Capuyan and Marianne C. Bayron
Published: 19 December 2023

To address the knowledge gap on hazard and injury vulnerabilities due to disasters, senior nursing students of VSU hosted a two-day disaster risk management awareness and first aid and safety training initiative for the Viscan community.
This initiative stemmed from the findings of two research studies conducted by nursing students that revealed the students’ limited knowledge about the appropriate measures to take in response to disasters, making them more vulnerable to hazards and injuries.
In an interview with Amaranth, Angelle Caintic, the College of Nursing (CoN) Supreme Student Council President and Communication Committee Head, shared that the research results inspired them to make an educational strategy to empower Viscans to cultivate disaster preparedness and effectively respond to critical emergencies.
Caintic explained that the goal was to contribute to creating a safer university environment and to foster a more resilient Viscan community. She emphasized that this initiative aligns with the principles they learned from their NuCM-121 Disaster Nursing course as taught by their clinical instructor, Professor Phoebe Lynn Calungsod.
“The primary goal of the seminar and workshop was to bring awareness to students about the university's contingency plan and teach basic first aid measures, which are very relevant in the preparation and mitigation of upcoming disasters,” said CoN SSC-President Caintic.
The event was held at VSU Multi-faith Center from December 5 to 6, 2023 bearing the theme: "Cultivating a Culture of Disaster Preparedness: A First Aid Training Initiative.”
On Day 1 of the seminar, Mr. Charlindo Torrion from the VSU Crisis Management Committee (VSU-CMC) conducted an orientation on the university's vulnerability to natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, and earthquakes including the warning signs of such disasters. It was followed by his presentation of the VSU Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (VSU DRRM) Plan.
The following day focused on first aid and basic life support discussion with topics on types and management of fractures, burns, and bleeding; as well as differentiation of stroke, heart attack, and cardiac arrest, followed by a discussion on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for unresponsive patients. A demonstration of bandaging, as well as the emergency action principles, were also taught before the commencement of the simulation.
“The most memorable part for me was during the simulation, I was one of the acting victims in a given scenario of an earthquake with many casualties. It made me happy to see some of the participants go through various emotions such as panic and confusion. But later on, a lot of them were able to apply the knowledge and skills that were taught to them such as proper bandaging and applying the emergency action principles,” said CoN’s Nightingale Society President, Mary Sheena Sophia Baduya.
“The seminar doesn’t make the participants professionally trained first aiders, but only somewhat knowledgeable of the basic measures of first aid; moreover, to lessen the burden of those responders who will help in the future, especially communication-wise, through knowing legit channels to contact and additionally knowing how to manage an emergency before help arrives,” Caintic emphasized.
The seminar was made possible with the collaboration of the VSU CoN-SSC, University Supreme Student Council (USSC), VSU-CMC, VSU Office of the University Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (VSU-OUDRRM), and Baybay Emergency Rescue Unit (BERU).
[Photos are courtesy of the College of Nursing and Amaranth]