Jackfruit regional R&D program terminal review held
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- Written by SMCLemos
Published: 16 June 2015

The Visayas State University (VSU) and the Visayas Consortium for Agriculture and Resources Program (ViCARP), in coordination with the Department of Agriculture Region 8 and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources, Research and Development (PCAARRD), jointly conducted a Jackfruit Regional R&D Program Terminal Review on May 22, 2015 at the OVPRE Audio Visual Room in VSU, Baybay City, Leyte.
The terminal review aimed to assess the accomplishments of the different component projects vis-à-vis program objectives and Jackfruit ISP targets and identify the remaining S&T gaps in the jackfruit technology chain.
The review also looked into the performance of the different PCAARRD-funded projects presented by the project leaders, such as: the Development of Baseline Data and GIS (Dr. Elvira C. Torres and Dr. Pastor P. Garcia), Supply Chain Improvement (Dr. Antonio P. Abamo), Integrated Pest Management (Dr. Lucia M. Borines, Dr. Ruben M. Gapasin, Dr. Carlos S. de la Cruz), Nutrient Management and Fruit Load Regulation (Dr. Francisco Dayap), Jackfruit Processing (Dr. Roberta D. Lauzon), Jackfruit Technology Promotion (Dr. Wolfreda T. Alesna), Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Jackfruit Products through TechnoMart (Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo), ACIAR-PCAARRD Tropical Tree Fruit Research (Dr. Othello B. Capuno), On-and Off-Season Fruit Production (Dr. Dario P. Lina), and STCBF on Jackfruit Production in Leyte (Ms. Hazel Grace T. Taganas).
With Dr. C. S. de la Cruz, Jackfruit Regional R&D Program Leader, as moderator, the review was attended by researchers and officials from the Department of Agriculture Region 8, DOST-PCAARRD, and VSU.
The PCAARRD reviewers were composed of: Dr. Jocelyn E. Eusebio, Director, CRD-DOST-PCAARRD; Mr. Allan B. Siano, ISP Manager for Jackfruit, CRD-DOST-PCAARRD; and Dr. Calixto M. Protacio, Director, Crop Science Cluster, UPLB and PCAARRD S&T Consultant. SMCLemos