IHK facilitates training-seminar for coaches on sports development
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- Written by SMCLemos
Published: 16 June 2015

The Football for Life/ASSIST and Coaches Across Continents (CAC) Sport for Social Impact Program, in cooperation with the Institute of Human Kinetics (IHK) of the Visayas State University, recently conducted an award winning “self-directed learning” Sports for Development Coaches’ Training Seminar.
Nora Dooley, the Lead and Senior Trainer, was joined by fellow CAC coach and Cambodian partner Globalteer Sports Project, Charlie Pomroy, as resource persons of the seminar. Participants were Physical Education teachers from state universities and colleges in the region, DepEd teachers, sports coaches, and young sports leaders.
The 3-day “self-directed learning” Sports for Development seminar was delivered by a USA-based International Non-Government Organization, Coaches Across Continents. The training aimed to define and solve problems and reasons logically, recognize locally-relevant social issues, and create their own original games to address the problems while teaching new fun games to children in their respective communities. The key module themes covered include Female Empowerment for Gender Equality, Health and Hygiene for Community, Environment Guardianship, Aspiration-Building and Goal Setting, and Child Rights-Key Focus on “Right to Play”.
The coaches were introduced to the different activities like football games and plays, namely: Ronaldo Skills, Ronaldo for Health and Wellness, Ronaldo for Gender and Equity, Ronaldo for Conflict and Resolution, and Ronaldo for Fun. Others include the Tim Howard “T-Ho” Goalkeeping Skills and T-Ho for Conflict Resolution. They also spent doing drills and discussions which tackled topics and issues on child’s rights, what makes a good leader, and ideal man and woman.
The seminar was realized on behalf of FundLife, ASSIST and its funding partner UNICEF with USA-based international non-government organization, Coaches Across Continents (CAC). It is also part of “Football for Life Tacloban” with Mr. Marko Kasic as Programme Director, which uses football as a vehicle to increase the self-esteem of children affected by Typhoon Yolanda. The activity ended with distribution of certificates and souvenir shirts to the participants. SMCLemos