Educ Fair featuring VSU attracts Cambodian students
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Published: 23 April 2016

Pres. Tulin featured the university’s excellence in instruction, the beautiful campus scenery, and conducive learning atmosphere in the campus.
“At VSU, you can enjoy affordable high quality learning, commune with nature while studying, and enjoy our warm hospitality,” said Dr. Tulin.
Dr. Tulin also talked about the excellence and the extensive partnerships of VSU in the field of research. With him is VSU development communication professor Dr. Rotacio S. Gravoso.
“The university maintains active collaborations around the world, not only in the ASEAN but also in North America, South America, Africa, and Australia. All of this are part of the research management system of the university,” Tulin added.
The Philippine Education Fair, headed by CHED Chairperson Dr. Patricia Licuanan, is a two-day event hosted by the Philippine Embassy in Cambodia, in collaboration with the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The fair started yesterday. Aside from VSU, other top state and private universities and colleges from the Philippines joined the Fair.