Jobs at VSU

Interested applicants must send their application letter and resume not later than July 06, 2018
is in urgent need of
(for 2nd Sem., SY 201-2018)
CSC Minimum Qualifications:
- PhD in Animal Science or candidate (graduate of Bachelor in Animal Science)
- Teaching Experience is an advantage
- Research ability/training experience related to Animal Science is preferred
- W/ RA 1080 eligibility
Should possess the following competencies:
- Commitment – deep send of responsibility to render service for the development of the students’ well-being and for the advancement of his/her discipline.
- Knowledge of subjects – applicants’ scholarship and expertise in his/her field or discipline.
- Teaching for Independent Learning – ability to organize teaching-learning processes to enable students to maximize their learning potentials.
- Managment of Learning - ability to create and manage a conducive environment and at the same time guide, monitor and evaluate student learning.
Interested applicants must send their application letter and resume not later than December 20, 2017 to:
Department Head
Department of Animal Science
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Diverse Applicants are encouraged to apply. Interview and Teaching Demo will be on December 20, 2017, 1:00P.M. at the Department of Animal Science Conference Room.
One Faculty Position by visayasstateu on Scribd
Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center (PRCRTC)
is in need of
1 Science Research Assistant
(to work on yam germplasm maintenance, characterization, evaluation, database development and analysis)
1. BS Agriculture/Biotechnology with major in either Plant Breeding, Plant Genetics or Plant Biotechnology.
2. Preferably computer-literate, with some familiarity with germplasm management and evaluation, database and development, statistical analysis and plant issue culture.
3. No failing grade
4. Hardworking and willing to work overtime without additional compensation.
Submit application letter, resume and photocopy of transcript of records and diploma on or before December 8, 2017 to:
Dr. Nestor L. Pido
VSU, Visca, Baybay, Leyte
Tel/Fax: 053-335-2616
Job Opportunity- SRA Biotech by visayasstateu on Scribd
is in need of
Qualifications and Requirements:
1. EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree in Home or Food Science or other related to foods
2. EXPERIENCE: In restaurant or food service management in hotel
3. TRAINING: None required
4. ELIGIBILITY: CS Professional/(2nd Level eligibility)
5. Should possess the following competencies:
- Delivering service excellence- complies with VSU’s standards or level of service delivery and with deep sense of responsibility to render excellent service for the satisfaction of clients
- Exemplifying integrity—complies with policies, rules and standards set by the university
- Solving problems and decision-making—provides and offers timely solutions to problems and decision dilemmas for prompt and effective service.
- Planning and delivering—ability to plan programs, activities, and projects to help attain the overall university mandate, priorities, and commitments
- Championing and applying innovation—continuously innovates and finds ways to introduce new practices and procedutes that will result to ease of doing things for improved customer service
- Demonstrating personal effectiveness—recognizes personal strengths and gaps and is willing to utilize strengths at the same time, undergo required trainings and interventions to address competency gaps identified.
Interested applicants must send their application letter and resume not later than November 23, 2017 to:
Director, ODAHRD
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Job Opportunity: Chief Administrative Officer by visayasstateu on Scribd
is in need of
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Education: MS or PhD in Soil Science
- Preferably with experience in teaching, research/training
- With RA 1080 eligibility
- Should possess the following competencies:
- Commitment—deep sense of responsibility to render service for the development of the students’ well-being and for the advancement of his/her discipline
- Knowledge of subjects—applicant’s scholarship and expertise in his/her field or discipline
- Teaching for independent learning—ability to organize teaching-learning processes to enable students to maximize their learning potentials
- Management of learning—ability to create and manage a conducive learning environment and at the same time guide, monitor, and evaluate student learning.
Diverse applicants are encouraged to apply. Interested applicants must send their application letter and resume not later than November 15, 2017 to:
Head, Department of Soil Science
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Job Opportunity: Soil Science Instructor by visayasstateu on Scribd
is in need of
Masters or BS in Commerce/Accountancy graduate
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Education: Masters degree and a BS degree in Commerce/Accountancy or any related field with major in Accounting
- Experience: 4 years of supervisory experience in bookkeeping, preparing financial statements, and analyzing accounts
- Training: 40 hours of supervisory/management learning and development intervention undertaken within the last five years.
- Eligibility: CS Professional or 2nd level eligibility
- Should possess the following competencies:
- Delivering service excellence- complies with VSU’s standards or level of service delivery and with deep sense of responsibility to render excellent service for the satisfaction of clients
- Exemplifying integrity—complies with policies, rules and standards set by the university
- Solving problems and decision-making—provides and offers timely solutions to problems and decision dilemmas for prompt and effective service.
- Planning and delivering—ability to plan programs, activities, and projects to help attain the overall university mandate, priorities, and commitments
- Championing and applying innovation—continuously innovates and finds ways to introduce new practices and procedutes that will result to ease of doing things for improved customer service
- Demonstrating personal effectiveness—recognizes personal strengths and gaps and is willing to utilize strengths at the same time, undergo required trainings and interventions to address competency gaps identified.
- Thinking strategically—ability to see the big picture; think multi-dimensionally, craft innovative solutions, identify connections between situations or things that are not obviously related and come up with new ideas and different ways to enhance organizational effectiveness and responsiveness
- Leading change—generates genuine enthusiasm and momentum for organizational change; engages and enables groups to understand, accepts, and commits to the change agenda, includes advancing and sustaining change.
- Managing performance—creates an enabling environment which will nurture and sustain a performance-based coaching culture; develops people for current and future needs
- Writing effectively—produced written work from scratch complying with prescribed standards of communicating within the bureaucracy.
Interested applicants must send their application letter and resume not later than October 13, 2017 to:
Director, ODAHRD
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Job Opportunity: Chief Administrative Officer by visayasstateu on Scribd
is in need of
Administrative Aide I
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Education: Elementary graduate
- Experience: none required
- Training: none required
- Eligibility: none required
- Should possess the following competencies:
- Exemplifying in integrity—acknowledges and respects authority and demonstrated readiness in accepting and complying with rules
- Solving problems and decision-making—provides timely solutions to problems and decisions dilemmas that have clear-cut options and/or choices and whose solutions are available
- Delivering service excellence—complies with VSU’s established standard or delivery or service level agreements and delivers explicit requirements of customers
- Demonstrating personal effectiveness—responds effectively to guidelines and feedback on one’s performance, well being and learning discipline.
Functional competencies:
- Knows how to operate welding machine and air compressor
- Skillfull in handling tools and spare parts
- Operates the farm tractor
- Does vulcanizing jobs
Interested applicants must send their application letter and resume not later than October 13, 2017 to:
Director, ODAHRD
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Job Opportunity: Administrative Aide by visayasstateu on Scribd