
All graduating students are encouraged to submit graduation photos to be used for their transcript of records. The VSU Media Team is also planning to show the photos in the LED walls as each graduate receives the diploma during the graduation ceremonies. Two photos of the graduate in academic dress or toga must be submitted: (1) one wearing the academic cap (or mortarboard), and (2), without the cap.

The photos must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The graduate must wear the proper academic gown prescribed for the degree program. Graduates of bachelor’s degrees, except for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, must not wear a hood.
  • The graduate must wear formal attire under the gown: long sleeves with tie (men), appropriate dress (women).
  • For the cap photo, the tassel should hang from the graduate's left side (photo's right).
  • The background should be a dark green to black gradient without any texture (please see attached graphics).
  • The photos must not look too “photoshopped”. While airbrushing is allowed to remove blemishes, it should not be overly done that the skin texture looks artificial.
  • The photos must not contain any markings, design overlays or watermarks.
  • The photos must be in high-resolution.
  • The two photos will be named as follows:
    • Without Cap: Student number + Surname
      Ex. 12-1-00001 DELA CRUZ.JPG
    • With Cap: Student number + Surname + “CAP”.
      Ex. 12-1-00001 DELA CRUZ CAP.JPG

The digital copy (JPG or PNG) of the photos should be submitted on or before April 10 to the VSU Media Team ℅ Mr. Derek Alviola at the Department of Development Communication, or email as attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For your convenience, the Media Team has accredited Palm Printshop to take studio photos on April 7-9 at the ADE Rm. 123A from 9AM to 6PM. Palm Printshop will only collect P120.00 for this with printed copies of 18R, 1 3R and 2 passport size photos. Graduates may have their photo taken at other studios as long as the guidelines are strictly followed. The VSU Media Team reserves the right not to accept photos that do not follow the guidelines.

For your guidance and compliance.

Relive your unforgettable experience at your Alma Mater! Come to the grand alumni homecoming at VSU on May 20-21, 2016.

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Those who took the senior high school entrance examination at VSU are qualified for pre-registration on April 14-15, 2016 at ADE Room 132 (office of the College of Education).

Requirements for pre-registration:

  • Original copy of Form 138 (Student’s Report Card)
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Original copy of NSO Birth Certificate
  • Four copies 1x1 ID picture

The VSU Senior High School (VSHS) will not accommodate late registrants. You may ask a representative to pre-register on your behalf.

For inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Rizalina D. Truya

VSUSHS Principal


Here’s good news to those who wish to apply for a CHED scholarship! If you failed to submit the requirements last April 1, you may do so on or before April 8.

Here are the requirements specified by CHED through CMO No. 03, series of 2016.

A. SHEI Nomination Form with the following components:

  1. Brief description of the SHEI’s strategic direction
  2. List of nominees indicating the program and DHEI to which the nominee has been admitted/intends to apply, if not yet admitted
  3. Detailed justification for the nominations, in line with evaluation criteria set by the Commission, and the overall faculty development plan of the SHEI

B. Completed Faculty and Staff Development Plan following Templates 5 and 6 of the Strategic Faculty and Staff Development Planning Workshop for SUCs and Templates 8 and 9 for Private HEIs.

C. Faculty Requirements:

  1. Curriculum vitae (CV) of each nominee using the template provided
  2. Transcript of Records
  3. One-page thesis/dissertation proposal for each nominee with ongoing master’s or doctoral studies
  4. Reentry plan and return service arrangements contract mutually agreed by SHEI and nominees
  5. Proof of citizenship of each nominee (NSO authenticated birth certificate, or information page of valid passport, or voter’s ID)
  6. Medical Certificate of each nominee issued by a government physician within the last six months, supported by medical examinations/laboratory results

CHED accepts online submissions. For details, visit 

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) rewarded the Philippines for having made substantial strides in implementing EITI standards, during the 7th EITI Global Conference, Feb. 24-25, in Lima, Peru.

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Dr. Manuel F. Montes, finance and development senior advisor in Geneva, Switzerland, told VSU that it has a vital role in developing technologies that promote economic development through industrialization on one hand and fighting climate change on the other, during the College of Management and Economics (CME) Convocation, March 4, at the VSU Convention Center.

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