President Tulin succeeds EVSU’s Aguirre as PASUC-8 prime mover
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- Written by Ulderico B. Alviola
Published: 07 February 2021

In a virtual election held in the afternoon of February 5, Visayas State University President Edgardo E. Tulin was unanimously elected as President of the regional chapter of Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC-8).
PASUC-8 is a strong regional block composed of 10 of state universities and colleges (SUCs) that are based in Eastern Visayas.
Dr. Tulin succeeds Dr. Dominador O. Aguirre, Jr. of Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) who led the organization for more than five years. He will soon be completing his two illustrious terms as EVSU President.
Under Dr. Aguirre, PASUC-8 was able to maintain strong partnerships and collaborations by conducting regional sports competitions, arts festivals, and a unified stand across issues affecting state universities and colleges in the Philippines.
THROWBACK. Dr. Aguirre (center) shares some niceties with other PASUC-8 Presidents in a photo op taken during the regional SCUAA Games held in the former Naval State University (now BiPSU) in October 2016. Photo courtesy of Amaranth.
Among the most recent accomplishments of Dr. Aguirre as President of PASUC-8 was the establishment of a regional consortium on flexible learning that facilitated effective exchange of best practices among SUCs in Eastern Visayas in adopting the new normal in education.
In a time when amalgamation of state universities was being lobbied at the national level sometime in 2014, PASUC-8 was also able to develop an integrative proposal that unites SUCs in Eastern Visayas without deescalating the eminence of currently appointed University Presidents. This proposal was crafted through extensive consultative dialogue done during the term of President Aguirre.
In an exclusive interview, EVSU President Aguirre expressed his thanks to the current PASUC-8 Presidents for their unwavering support and immense contribution to the development of the organization.
“I’m so honored working with wonderful people and high caliber leaders of Eastern Visayas. Beyond words, I will miss my PASUC-8 family. I just hope that we continue our strides as one because together, we can seamlessly make things happen and truly make a difference here in our home region,” Dr. Aguirre said.
VIRTUAL ELECTION. PASUC-8 Presidents held remote elections via Zoom on February 5, 2021 unanimously electing VSU President Tulin as the new organization leader.
Tulin commits for strengthened partnerships ahead
VSU President Tulin expressed his commitment to continue the strong collaborations nurtured by PASUC-8.
“Thank you for your overwhelming trust and confidence in me to continue and strengthen our existing partnerships through sharing best practices for the growth and development of our respective SUCs. We shall continue to create amazing new frontiers for PASUC-8 so that we can better improve our beloved Eastern Visayas region,” Dr. Tulin shared.
Dr. Aguirre shared his delight as Dr. Tulin took on the helm of PASUC’s strong regional block.
“My warmest congratulations to VSU President Edgardo E. Tulin. I know that with your leadership and commitment, PASUC-8 will continue forging the culture of unity and complementation to continue steering the wheel of quality higher education in Eastern Visayas,” the outgoing PASUC-8 President said.
Dr. Tulin will serve as PASUC-8 prime mover along with other key leadership positions that were bestowed upon him while serving as VSU President.
He currently serves as Vice President for the Visayas of the PASUC National Council and was also elected last year as Trustee of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP).
Dr. Tulin is also the incumbent President of the State Universities and Colleges-Association of Colleges of Agriculture in the Philippines (SUC-ACAP) which is the largest national organization of institutions offering agriculture in the Philippines.
He also serves as the Immediate Past President of the Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities (AAACU).