VSU joins violence against women nationwide campaign
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Published: 25 November 2016

VSU joins the “Orange-Your-Icon” initiative led by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) to help create awareness on violence against women (VAW).
PCW, in partnership with the Department of Tourism, promotes the observance of the 18-day campaign to end VAW from November 25 – December 12 with the theme, VAW-free community starts with me. The color orange is used because its bright and optimistic hue represents hope and future free from violence against women and girls, the PCW website said.
The 18-day campaign aims to primarily “promote community and tourism sector involvement in sharing the vision of a VAW-free community.” More information can be found in the PCW website http://www.pcw.gov.ph/event/OrangeYourIcon2016.
Prof. Maria Aurora Teresita Tabada, head of the Gender and Development Team at VSU, leads the Orange-your-Icon campaign at VSU, an academic institution and a potential eco-tourism site.
VSU’s Institute of Strategic Research and Development Studies have been conducting a series of gender sensitivity training with VSU’s various academic departments and frontline offices.
“Take a gender lens,” advised Prof. Tabada to the planners and service providers to ensure an inclusive development that does not marginalize women.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in the 18-day campaign by adding the color orange on your icons or photos on social media or by adding #VAWfreePH on your VAW-related posts.