7 VSU programs undergo AACCUP Level II accreditation
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- Written by Isabelle Amora
Published: 01 October 2018

Seven undergraduate and graduate programs of the Visayas State University are being subjected to Level II accreditation of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP).
AACCUP will evaluate VSU’s undergraduate programs in Economics, Geodetic Engineering, Environmental Management, and Nursing, and graduate programs in Forestry, Tropical Ecology, and Food Technology.
The program evaluation will run on October 1 to 5, 2018
Headed by Dr. Hedeliza A. Pineda of Cebu Technological University as overall coordinator, the team of 11 accreditors from various Philippine state universities will evaluate documents, observe classes, inspect laboratories and other facilities, and conduct interviews with program stakeholders.
During the opening program, VSU President Edgardo E. Tulin highlighted the importance of undergoing accreditation to assure quality education in the university.
“In our continuous quest for quality assurance as our foremost mandate, we subject ourselves to accreditation to be able to determine how ready and how quality is being administered in this university,” Dr. Tulin said.
In November this year, ten more undergraduate and graduate programs will undergo Level I AACCUP accreditation including the PhD Animal Science, PhD Horticulture, PhD Agricultural Education, PhD Entomology, PhD Plant Pathology, MS Development Sociology, Master in Management, BS Civil Engineering, BS Biotechnology, and Bachelor in Secondary Education majors in Physical Science and Biological Science.
VSU holds the highest and only AACCUP institutional accreditation status of Level III in the country. The university is also home to Centers of Excellence in two programs: Agricultural Engineering and Agriculture; and Center of Development in Development Communication.
The October 2018 accrediting team is composed of Dr. Hemres M. Alburo, Dr. Belenda P. Babiera, Dr. Cecilia Elena P. de los Reyes, and Prof. Arlene R. Salac of Cebu Technological University; Dr. Antonette B. Donoso of Surigao State College of Technology; Dr. Eve F. Gamalinda and Dr. Leila A. Ombat of Caraga State University; Dr. Marylou B. Ong and Dr. Jay Picardal of Cebu Normal University; and Prof. Fe A. Alavanza of Jose Rizal Memorial State University.