VSU geodetic eng’g students lead coastal cleanup in campus, nearby barangays
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- Written by Mark Angelo Pineda
Published: 29 November 2018

VSU geodetic engineering students led a coastal cleanup, adopting 4Ocean’s worldwide initiative of cleaning up the ocean and coastlines, in Barangays Pangasugan and Guadalupe, Baybay City on Saturday, November 24, 2018.
4Ocean is “a global movement of actively removing trash from the ocean and coastlines, one pound and a time.” It operates in multiple countries and has employed over 150 people worldwide.
In VSU, the cleanup simply aimed to help conserve the natural beauty of the university.
“VSU is clean and green. We should deal with the garbage and take them out while they’re still minimal,” said Queenie Tagalog, member of the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines - Visayas State University Student Chapter (GEP-VSUSC).
Eighty (80) participants joined the cleanup, composed of GEP-VSUSC members, other Viscans, and SK officials from the concerned barangays.
The common trash found during the cleanup were plastic bottles, food wrappers, plastic utensils, and rotten clothes.
GEP-VSUSC encourages the participation of Viscans in communal activities, such as the cleanup given that “we all live within the same community.” The members of the organization hope to see more active volunteers during the Baybay-wide cleanup, which is still in the process of negotiation.