CHED lauds VSU for academic excellence
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Published: 16 May 2017

The Commission on Higher Education-Region 8 (CHED-RO8) recognized VSU Main and Tolosa Campuses for their 2015-2016 academic achievements, May 15, at the St. Paul School of Professional Studies, Palo, Leyte.
Dr. Maura Consolacion D. Cristobal, CHED-RO8 Director IV, awarded VSU-Main Campus five certificates of recognition for being the Center of Excellence in Agriculture, and Agricultural Engineering, and Center of Development in Development Communication.
VSU-Main Campus was also recognized for producing topnotchers in the 2015 licensure examinations: 6th and 9th places in the Veterinarians licensure exam, 1st placer in the August Foresters licensure exam, 9th placer August 2015 Real Estate Appraisers licensure exam, 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th placers in the October 2015 Geodetic Engineering licensure exam.
CHED-RO8 also lauded VSU-Tolosa for producing the 6th placer in the 2016 Licensure Exam for Teachers. Topnotchers were also given certificates of recognition.
VSU Vice President for Instruction Dr. Beatriz Belonias and VSU Tolosa Dean Prof. Teresita Jocson received the awards.
The Awarding Ceremony was done during the celebration of the 2017 Higher Education Week and ASEAN Assembly for Higher Education Institutions to mark ASEAN’s 50th Anniversary (ASEAN@50). Some 17 HEIs in Region 8 participated in the ceremony.