VSU lauds exemplary individuals on its 94th Anniversary
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- Written by Jade Come
Published: 21 May 2018

Every year, Visayas State University (VSU) never fails to honor its employees, alumni, retirees and staunch partners for their relevant contributions to the development of the university. The annual conferment of recognitions were held during the 94th VSU Founding Anniversary Convocation at the VSU Gymnatorium on April 26.
The ‘Sandigan Award’ which is the highest award given by VSU to individuals/groups with significant contributions to the university was presented to Dr. Claus-Peter Hutter, President of Natural Life- International in Germany for his invaluable contributions to the research and development programs of VSU. He has been instrumental in the promotion of ‘rainforestation’ program and was able to instill into the hearts and minds of VSU Researchers the desire to work for the conservation of the environment. On behalf of Dr. Hutter, former VSU President and VSU rainforestation program head Dr. Pacencia P. Milan received the Sandigan Award.
Meanwhile, Letecia S. Soson an alumna from Batch 1977 was awarded the ‘Exemplary Alumna Award’ for her exemplary achievements as the Director of the Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories and as Graduate Faculty of the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA.
Levi G. Castañas, on the other hand was conferred the ‘Model Utility Worker/Messenger of the Year Award’ for his outstanding performance and support to the Department of Soil Science.
Edralin M. Malasaga received the ‘Model Science Research Assistant of the Year Award’ for her admirable characteristics and exemplary performance as a Science Research Assistant of the National Coconut Research Center.
Connel D. Antipaso of the Office of the Vice President for Instruction (OVPI) received the ‘Best Administrative Support Staff of the Year Award’ for her exemplary performance and outstanding support to the various activities of OVPI and other offices as an Administrative Officer.
Likewise, Dr. Rotacio S. Gravoso from the Department of Development Communication received the Exemplary Academician Award for his commendable performance in instruction, research, extension, production and administration.
On the other hand, Five (5) retirees were presented with the ‘Mt. Pangasugan Award’. This award is given to retirees who made an outstanding contribution to the development of VSU.
Dr. Wolfreda T. Alesna of the Department of Development was awarded for her 42 years of faithful and dedicated service to the University. She had occupied various positions in the university until her retirement in 2017. Dr. Angela A. Ferraren also received this award for her 41 years of dedicated services to the university. Dr. Ruben M. Gapasin received the award for his 41 years of unselfish dedication and outstanding achievements and significant contributions to the development of VSU. Dr. Nelen P. Lambert received the same award for her 23 years of faithful service and significant contributions to income generating projects of the university and in the development of the VSU Laboratory High School. Lastly, Dr. Lualhati M. Noriel was given the distinction for her 36 years of dedicated service and achievements in the field of Weed Science and Quality Assurance.
Fifteen (15) VSU faculty and staff were also presented with the ‘Service Award’ after retiring from service in the university. They were Arsenio B. Abanera, 41 years; Evelio A. Abenoja, 40 years; Paulina P. Abing, 35 years; Editha R. Abogadie, 37 years; Artemio P. Amistoso, 42 years; Efrim L. Calixtro, 31 years; Rosito A. Diaz, 36 years; Aurelio L. Domael, 27 years; Danilo T. Dela Rama, 36 years; Mansueto E. Estrosas, 38 years; Reynaldo S. Gonzales, 37 years; Florencio B. Macariola, 30 years; Vilma C. Olleras, 39 years; Lydia V. Presbitero, 41 years; Mariano S. Samson, 24 years.
VSU celebrated its 94th Founding Anniversary with the theme; “Building sustainable and resilient communities through Reforestation and Climate-Smart Agriculture” that ran from April 17-27.