News / Obelisk

vsusanteh mouThe Visayas State University through its President, Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, and the Santeh Feeds Corporation through its President, Mr. Phillip L. Ong, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would provide opportunity to both parties to venture in any development initiatives including technologies in relation to aquaculture and swine production. The MOU was signed on August 13, 2014 at the PhilRootcrops Training Hall in the presence of VP for Research and Extension Othello B. Capuno, Director for Research Rosa Ophelia D. Velarde, PhilRootcrops’ Central Analytical Services Laboratory In-charge Cynthia Dolores V. Godoy, and Mr. Fred Yap of Santeh.

Santeh Feeds Corporation, a stock corporation duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines with principal address at 601 West Trade Center, 132 West Avenue, Quezon City, as a progressive and innovative feed miller engaged in the production of aquaculture feeds, livestock feeds and pet feeds is always in the lookout for new technologies and laboratory facilities that can help improve its product lines and services; and promotes sustainable aquaculture and the natural system of swine raising and through its direct contact with the industry has a human resource complement with practical know-how in aquaculture and in the natural system of piggery.

Santeh acknowledges VSU’s expertise in various areas in agriculture, animal science, and food technology; and its strong thrust towards research and development with laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and instrumentation.

As a result of their mutual covenants, both parties agreed on the following responsibilities:

VSU shall make its analytical and research laboratories available to Santeh for the analysis of feedstuff as well as for product development on a pre-agreed schedule and cost; VSU faculty and staff shall be available to Santeh for consultation and contract research on pre-agreed areas of specialization and study at a pre-agreed timetable and remuneration for services rendered; and shall accept Santeh staff for training in specialized laboratory procedures as maybe useful to Santeh operation.

Santeh, on the other hand, shall provide VSU with the ready to build designs for swine raising facilities for instructional and research purposes using the natural hog raising system as well as the design for a state of the art swine breeding facility with its staff to assist VSU in the construction and initial operation of the said swine raising and breeding facilities; shall assist VSU in establishing a tilapia-hatchery and nursery in its main campus using practical designs it has been exposed to in the industry; and shall arrange for the visits by VSU staff to established piggery using the natural system as well as to commercial swine breeding facilities and to commercial tilapia hatchery-nursery establishments as may be required.

The MOU took effect immediately upon signing and shall remain in full force until terminated by both or either parties with justifiable reasons and 30 day notice to the other party.

fffieldday2014The Visayas State University (VSU) under the administration of Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo devoted a special day to honor the unsung heroes of Philippine agriculture—the farmers and fisherfolks in Eastern Visayas. The tribute was held during the Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Day on August 11, 2014 at the VSU Convention Hall on the occasion of the 90th VSU Founding Anniversary as an institution.

Guided by its theme “Upland Agriculture: Unlocking its Potentials for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience,” the ceremony kicked-off with a parade around the VSU Lower Campus. It was participated in by some 2,000 farmers and fisherfolks from various farmers organizations throughout Eastern Visayas and Central Visayas regions, namely: Cabintan Livelihood Community Association in Cabintan, Ormoc City; Cambantog Integrated Green Environment Farmers’ Association in Lake Danao, Ormoc City; Lake Danao Community Association, Ormoc City; Lake Danao Farmers’ Association, Ormoc City; Patag, Gabas, Guadalupe Farmers’ Association in Baybay City; Brgy. Marcos Fisherfolks’ Association, Baybay City; Brgy. Marcos Farmers’ Association, Baybay City; Brgy. Hipusngo Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Association, Baybay City; Baybay Dairy Cooperative, Baybay City; Baybay Farmers’ Association, Baybay City; City Agricultural Fishery Council, Baybay City; Brgy. Makinhas Officials and Farmers, Baybay City; Villaconzoilo Community Association in Jaro, Leyte; and Brgy. Tongonan Kananga Community Association in Kananga, Leyte.

Other farmers’ organizations who were not able to participate in the parade included those from the municipalities of Silago, Bontoc, Macrohon, San Juan, and Sogod—all in Southern Leyte; Tudela, Pilar, and Poro in Camotes Island, Cebu; Bohol; and Samar Island.

The major highlight of the affair was to give recognition to the 2014 Ugmad Award Outstanding Farmer-Entrepreneur, Outstanding Vegetable Farmer, Outstanding Livestock Farmer, and Outstanding Farmers’ Association among the nominees from all over Region VIII.

The University, in cooperation with other government and private companies, accorded plaques of recognition and cash or in-kind awards to the winners of the different categories.

The recipient of the 2014 (Ugmad Award) Outstanding Farmer-Entrepreneur is Mr. Bendicar D. Gerona of Brgy. Buac Gamay, Sogod, Southern Leyte “For his innovativeness, hard work and determination to increase productivity and profitability in his farm. He initially started tilling two hectares which eventually grew to a five-hectare farmstead owing to his entrepreneurship and diligence. A farmer with a knack for planning and entrepreneurship, he participates in agri-aqua fairs and garden shows giving him opportunities to learn and also market his produce. He shows a remarkable concern for the environment by adopting organic farming and ecologically-sound pest management practices. Despite his success as a farmer, he continues to learn and is very willing to share his knowledge with his fellow farmers. As farmer-cooperator for field trials, his farm has become a model for other farmers. Mr. Gerona is a perfect example of the new breed of successful farmer-entrepreneurs who can prove that farming is a highly rewarding vocation.”

Mr. Gerona received a plague from VSU and a cash award of PhP20,000 from the provincial government of Leyte through Gov. Leopoldo Dominico L. Petilla.

The East-West Seed Company, Inc. awarded the 2014 Outstanding Vegetable Farmer to Mr. Romeo V. Mazo of Brgy. Kansungka, Baybay City, LeyteFor exemplifying innovativeness, hard work and determination to make his three-hectare land a productive vegetable farm. Concerned about the environment, he started abandoning conventional farming practices and adopted an organic farming system. His hard work and good entrepreneurial skills have brought him enough profits to acquire additional farm plots. His success in vegetable production also paved the way to his election as an officer of the Baybay Farmers’ Association where he continuously shares his knowledge and wisdom to other farmers. Mr. Mazo is a highly successful vegetable farmer who continues to innovate and find ways to help his fellow farmers.

Mr. Mazo received a plaque and a cash award of PhP15,000 from the East-West Seed Company, Inc. through its Sales and Marketing Head, Mr. Gerardo P. Domingo.

VSU and the Univet Nutrition and Animal Health Care Company (UNAHCO) presented the 2014 Outstanding Livestock Farmer Award to Ms. Marilyn D. Legaspi of Sitio Manloy, Mapgap, Baybay City, Leyte “For her innovative and environment-friendly farming practices that transformed her small 100-layer egg production venture into a 70,000 broiler farm. Her innovations included transforming the original improvised poultry house that she started with into a huge sturdy air-conditioned building with automated equipment for feeding and watering and an innovative waste management technology that helps control bad smell and flies. The farm wastes are given to fellow farmers for their use. A trained accountant, she acknowledges that her success was achieved with the help of a private corporate partner who encouraged and helped her learn and succeed in poultry farming. Ms. Legaspi is a farmer-entrepreneur who has shown that even with a different professional background one can succeed in poultry farming which makes her a good example to other farmers.”

Ms. Legaspi received a plaque and products worth PhP15,000 from UNAHCO through Mr. Glenn L. Ibañez, the Technical Director.

On the other hand, the University and the Plan International bestowed the 2014 Outstanding Farmers’ Association to the Villaconzoilo Community Association (VILCOA) of Villaconzoilo, Jaro, Leyte “For outstanding leadership, unity, hard work, and entrepreneurship as an organization which helped raise their productivity and incomes even with marginal resources and minimal initial support from the government. Despite the harsh agroclimatic conditions in the uplands. VILCOA has demonstrated that upland agriculture can be productive and profitable as a solution to poverty through the adoption of sound environmental practices such as use of organic fertilizers and pesticides and soil conservation technologies such as contour farming. In addition, good marketing practices, internal capital formation, member protection through group insurance and organizational development trainings have fostered strong member participation and group cohesion. With only 38 members, VILCOA’s financial assets have grown to a million pesos and various external partners who have seen their organizational potentials have started to provide support to their programs and projects.

VILCOA’s success is an example of how good leadership, organizational cohesion, hard work and dedication, viable income generating projects and strong government support, can make a farmers’ organization become a potent force for rural development. VILCOA is an outstanding model for aspiring farming groups and communities, which capitalizes only on their fortitude and unity to make the best of their marginal resource base. Lately, VILCOA has demonstrated that even after typhoons Yolanda and Glenda devastated their area, a strong organization is able to rise from the devastation and be productive again through unity and cooperation.

VILCOA received two knapsack sprayers worth more than PhP15,000 from Mr. Erwin G. Cachuela, Provincial Coordinator of Plan International.

Nevertheless, all finalists in the different categories received certificates from VSU.

The different awardees were selected based on the following criteria: Innovativeness (30%), Productivity (30%), Community Leadership (20%), and Environmental Concerns (20%), for a total of 100%.

This year’s Ugmad Search Committee is composed of Prof. Efren B. Saz, chairperson; Dr. Alfredo B. Escasinas, Prof. Reny G. Gerona, Dr. Milagros C. Bales, Dr. Humberto R. Monters, Jr., Dr. Ana Marquiza M. Quilicot, Prof. Arsenio D. Ramos, and Ms. Adelina O. Carreno, as members.

The awards were distributed by the sponsoring agencies together with the VSU President Jose L. Bacusmo, Leyte Vice Governor Carlo P. Loreto, and VP for Research and Extension Othello B. Capuno.

Prior to the awarding ceremonies, the farmers and fisherfolks forum took place to give way to the farmers and fisherfolks to air their concerns especially on upland agriculture, climate change adaptation and resilience. Dr. Eduardo O. Mangaoang, professor of forestry, had a presentation on Climate Change Agriculture and Natural Resources as a prelude to the open forum. The panel of VSU experts composed of Dr. Victor B. Asio, Dr. Beta C. Ratilla, Dr. E. O. Mangaoang, Dr. Luz O. Moreno, Dr. Lolito C. Bestil, Dr. Zenaida C. Gonzaga, Prof. Tess C. Nuñez, and Dr. Marcelo A. Quevedo responded to some queries raised by the participants.


BAYBAY CITY, Leyte - The Visayas State University on August 10, 2014, Sunday, honored donors for students who were victims of supertyphoon Haiyan.

During the 90th Anniversary Convocation, VSU gave awards recognizing various individuals, organizations and partners who donated in cash and in kind as aid for students affected by Yolanda.

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ati dirOn the occasion of the 90th Founding Anniversary of the Visayas State University in Baybay City, Leyte, the University invited the Executive Director of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), Dr. Asterio P. Saliot, to give the inspirational message during the Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Day in the morning of August 11, 2014 at the VSU Convention Hall.

In the presence of some 2,000 farmers and fisherfolks from the different parts of Region VII and Region VIII, Director Saliot expounded his message based on the theme “Upland Agriculture: Unlocking its Potentials for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience.”

The ATI Director lauded VSU through Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, University President, “for initiating the historical event for our farmers and fisherfolks who are the food providers of our country.”

Dr. Saliot emphasized that since he took the leadership of ATI, he faced so many challenges and has to be visible to the farmers. “Nobody is to be blamed for some failures of ATI in giving services to our people except myself being the one responsible for our agency,” he lamented.  Saliot added that we should not let our future be controlled by other people, but rather we must be the controller of our future.  

Director Saliot also presented some of the programs launched by ATI after a year of serving as head of the agency.   These include the following: the International Standard Organization (ISO) Certification for Transparency for those who want to learn what ATI is doing, how the agency spends the funds allocated, and how its personnel work; the Electronic Extension Program in 2007, the only and the first-ever government institution throughout the country to be recognized by the US Department of Agriculture in which they try to become the electronic hub of Asia and the Pacific; the Farmers Contact Center that would enable the farmers to contact, through free text, to their agency; the Electronic Trading in tandem with the Department of Agriculture being pushed by Secretary Proceso Alcala, where farmers can sell their products in the Trading Post for traceability of the quality of the products being sold; Schools for Practical Agriculture where the farmers can learn different technologies from their fellow farmers; From Arms to Farms wherein it opens its door to the rebels who are willing and interested to adopt the programs of the government; and the ladderized course on Agri-Entrepreneurship Scholarship Program for out-of-school youth offered in tri-mester wherein the youth shall undergo formal classroom instruction during the first month of the first semester in the university and the remaining three months of the same semester shall be devoted to hands-on experience and learn first-hand information from the farmers right in the farmer’s farm site for them to appreciate the beauty and importance of farming.

We, at ATI, cannot dictate what you want in farming, rather we give technologies, knowledge and information for you to make the right decision intended for your farming activities,” Dr. Saliot averred. He added that the farmers can now choose from different menus in our program the different technologies they can use and adopt which are applicable to their own means of livelihood.

Dr. Saliot further said that through the electronic extension program, our agricultural technicians will learn more other things to develop and strengthen self-confidence, increase their knowledge, and to give extra services to our farmers and fishermen. Moreover, he revealed that the online farming initiated by ATI would enable the Overseas Filipino Workers to invest in agriculture and fishery in our country.

The ATI Director also assured the farmers and the farmer leaders that they will help them through training and upgrading the knowledge that they have for them to become competent teachers to their fellow farmers and to the young people who don’t like farming for them to realize that there is money in agriculture.

VSU President Jose L. Bacusmo, together with Baybay City Mayor Carmen L. Cari, Leyte Vice Governor Carlo P. Loreto, and VSU’s VP for Research and Extension Othello B. Capuno, presented a plaque of recognition to Dr. Saliot “For sharing his valuable time and wisdom to farmers and fisherfolks of Eastern Visayas during the Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Day 2014, and for his strong commitment and contribution to VSU’s research and extension programs that helped improve the quality of life of small farmers and fisherfolks in the District.

The occasion was made more meaningful with the presence of some dignitaries who are avid supporters of VSU by giving their congratulatory messages to the Institution for its 90 years of faithful and dedicated services to its major clientele—the small Visayan farmers. These included: Vice Gov. C. P. Loreto who also spoke on behalf of Gov. Leopoldo Dominico L. Petilla, Baybay Mayor C. L. Cari who also brought the message of 5th District Congressman Jose Carlos L. Cari, Ms. Nina Cecilia C. Amazona from the office of Senator Cynthia Villar, and ATI Region 8 Director Vilma M. Patindol.

The activity and the rest of the anniversary activities were being covered live by the VSU FM Radio Station DYDC; and the “Asenso Pinoy”, a TV Show hosted by Mr. Francis Cardona broadcasted over ABS-CBN Sports+Action (Channel 23) every Saturday at 6:30AM and in People’s Television (PTV4) every Sunday at 11:30AM.

 In a letter sent to Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, VSU President, by Dr. Manuel T. Corpus, Executive Director of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc., dated July 16, 2014, he informed the University President that the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Program of VSU has been awarded the Level IV Re-accredited Status favorably acted by the Board after it was assessed by the AACCUP accreditors and recommended for such approval.


This recent development made another record to VSU as the first-ever University in the country to be given the highest accolade as an excellent institution offering Agriculture Program with prestige and authority comparable to similar programs in excellent foreign universities. As what the AACCUP Executive Director had said “There are already a number of institutions who applied for Level IV accreditation of their Agriculture Program, but no one has passed yet.” So, only VSU did it.


Based on the AACCUP Technical Review and Recommended Board Action, the VSU’s Agriculture Program Level IV Re-accredited Status shall be valid from April 16, 2014 until April 15, 2018. The Agriculture Program earned excellent outcomes in the following areas with corresponding ratings: Research as seen in the number, scope and impact of scholarly publications in refereed national and international journals – 4.75; Teaching and Learning as proven in excellent performance of graduates and continuing assessment of student achievement – 4.75; Community Service and the impact of contributions to the economic and social upliftment, on both regional and national levels – 4.5; Evidence of International Linkages and Consortia – 4.5; and Well-developed planning processes which support quality assurance mechanism – 4.75, with a Grand Mean of 4.65.


The following are the recommendations of the Board for VSU to consider:

1) Keep a file of your “Narrative Profile” to be used as reference in the next survey visit;


2) Prepare your Research Agenda/Program for the period 2014-2018. The program must contain specific projects/studies and their corresponding study leaders, budget, schedule of implementation, and other relevant information, a) implement the program and the specific projects/studies, and b) make a report on your accomplishments in 2018;


3) Prepare your “Extension program/Agenda” for the period 2014-2018. The 4-year program must indicate the specific extension projects and their respective leaders, locations, beneficiaries, budget, schedule of implementation, cooperating agencies and other relevant information, a) implement the programs and its projects, b) conduct a report on your accomplishments in 2018, and c) conduct an impact study of each project that is carried out;


4) Prepare your “Faculty Development Program/Plan” for the period 2014-2018. Indicate the specific projects/grants and the corresponding beneficiaries/participants, time period covered, funding, funding sources, and sponsoring agencies and other relevant information, a) implement the program, and b) make a report on the results in 2018;


5) Evaluate and strengthen your national and international linkages and consortia;


6) Prepare your Quality Assurance Plan for 2014-2018. Implement and submit a report on the accomplishment in 2018;


7) Pursue tracer study of your BSA graduates up to 2018. Make a report on the results in 2018. Further improve the performance of your graduates in the workplace and the licensure examination; and


8) Roll and implement yoru strategic plan 2010-2015 to 2014-2018. Make a report on the accomplishments in 2018.  


The AACCUP accreditors who visited VSU on April 1-2, 2014 were: Dr. Namerod F. Mateo of the University of Rizal System, Dr. Lydia P. Libunao of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-NLUC, Dr, Marilyn B. Atinyao of Benguet State University, and Dr. Manuel T. Corpus of AACCUP.


It can be recalled that VSU is also the first-ever University in the country to be given an Institutional Accreditation by the AACCUP. JFMBaldos

jlbconvoc2014Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, President of the Visayas State University (VSU) System, presented a comprehensive report of his administration in his State of the University Address (SOUA) during the Annual Academic Convocation in the afternoon of July 22, 2014 at the VSU Gymnatorium.

Speaking before thousands of students, faculty and staff of the University, Dr. Bacusmo said, that “We started off so well last year that we even reaped two major awards for VSU—the Tanglaw Award, the highest institutional award given by DOST-PCAARRD, and the Eco-Friendliest or Most Sustainable School Award.”   The VSU President recalled that while he was proudly accepting the Tanglaw Award in Sofitel Hotel Manila on November 8, 2013, super typhoon Yolanda struck Leyte in which none of VSU campuses was spared from the calamity.

The VSU President relayed that he felt the pain listening to students requesting withdrawal of their enrollment because their families do not have anymore the means to support their schooling. A video clip showing the situation of some VSU students who were affected by the super typhoon Yolanda posted at the VSU website, facebook and in the youtube appealed to the audience and was able to raise PhP5-million cash and in-kind donations from friends, alumni and partners which was used to implement the cash-for-work program for affected students. “One hundred thirty-six students under this program graduated last May and 169 more are continuing their schooling under this scheme,” Dr. Bacusmo said. “We were devastated, but the devastation is not a reason for us to abandon our ambition to become one of the best, if not the best university in the Visayas,” Dr. Bacusmo lamented.

To give a much clearer grasp of the SOUA, the VSU President emphasized seven important points in his speech—access, linkages, instruction, research, extension, facility development, and caring and loving the University.

On Access, the president reported that 35% of VSU students have scholarships or some forms of assistance. He also revealed that new scholarship slots have been added to the existing scholarship programs implemented/facilitated by VSU like the International Pharmaceuticals, Inc., AACCUP, and even from Hohenheim University.

He proudly announced that under his stewardship, the University did not increase its tuition fee. “The average cost of educating student at VSU is at least PhP37,500 per year or PhP18,700 per semester. Thus, we have to work hard each year to make sure that we get enough supplemental budget from the national government and that our business operations realize profits that we can use to help sustain this University,” Dr. Bacusmo said.

He furthered that “Despite the non-increase of tuition fees, thus inadequate funds for improvement of the University, we have managed to remain excellent in instruction, research, and extension.” This was evident on the citation received by VSU from CHED-8 regarding higher education institutions with PRC licensure examination number one placers or topnotchers in the past 20 years. “One page of the program listed all the other HEIs from the region and the names of their topnotchers, while the other page of the program was solely devoted to listing VSU and its numerous topnotchers over the years,” he mused. Dr. Bacusmo also acknowledged the 2013 and 2014 topnotchers in the PRC licensure exams as well as VSU’s accomplishment as the first-ever university in the country whose Agriculture program has been accredited Level IV by the AACCUP. He also informed the audience that a group of computer science graduates of VSU is being commissioned to work on computerization of enrollment, student grading, and record management.

On Linkages, he revealed that VSU linkages with other universities remain strong. One of which is the VSU-TUAT linkage. He also mentioned some universities outside the country with whom VSU has strong connections either for research collaboration or the On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs, such as Hiroshima University, University of Arkansas, Hohenheim University, and some countries like the Netherlands and Israel that accept OJT for VSU students.

The University President revealed that he will push for the approval of the doubling or 100% increase of the stipend and thesis allowance of faculty members who wish to avail of VSU Fellowship program in the second quarter meeting of the VSU Board of Regents.

In Research, Dr. Bacusmo pointed out that research is another area that sets VSU apart from the other SUCs and HEIs. With the retirement of many VSU research professors, he considers the need to train young instructors and professors who will continue doing research and extension.

Among the research initiatives being pursued by the University include: coconut where millions of trees were lost to Cocolisap and super typhoon Yolanda; 3D-mapping using light detection in ranging that can be used for disaster risk assessment reduction and management; generating high resolution maps through aerial imaging by launching drones with cameras in partnership with the Ateneo de Manila University; continuation of the project on “Increasing Climate Change Resilience of Marginal Hilly Lands in Inopacan, Leyte”; transferring of the vacuum frying and dehydrating jackfruit of technologies to the Baybay Women’s Association and to Mr. Job Abuyabor of Mahaplag, Leyte, respectively; and the commercialization of sweetpotato wine and sweetpotato pickles technologies by some groups of students via TBI.

In Extension, Dr. Bacusmo revealed that the University is being looked up as technology provider for super typhoon Yolanda rehabilitation efforts of aid-agencies and national-line agencies. The National Abaca Research Center and the National Coconut Research Center are busy propagating thousands of planting materials that VSU has committed to PCA and to FAO for distribution to famers. Moreover, five million cuttings and planting materials of root crops will be produced and distributed to Yolanda-affected farms this year. VSU is also involved in providing livelihood to agrarian reform communities, and supports the capability building of ViCARP-member agencies in land use planning.

On Facility Development, every day you see this campus redesigned and rearranged as we pursue repairs, renovation and new construction. We have renovated the VSU Guesthouse; still renovating the VSU Pavilion and we plan to acquire a sound system, electric guitar, keyboard, and beat box for students’ use every Friday to hone their talents in playing musical instruments and singing; repaired the roofs of 25 classrooms of VSU-Tolosa Campus; started building the Olympic-size swimming pool; completed converting the greenhouse into the Department of Community Development and Extension; renovated the Convention Hall; started the construction of additional dormitory and staff apartment; and the on-going construction of the new library.

The president reiterated that he has not forgotten his promise to establish covered walks that will connect buildings, and to build more sports facilities before the end of his term. For the other three satellite campuses, the president will continue the renovation and conversion of the former library into a conference hall and build a new building with 12 rooms in VSU-Isabel, while VSU-Alangalang and VSU-Villaba buildings will undergo improvements.

Dr. Bacusmo also revealed that out of the PhP48.2-million share from DAP, new buildings shall be constructed such as the animal hospital for the College of Veterinary Medicine, a food innovation laboratory for the Department of Food Science and Technology, a technology business incubator or entrepreneurship laboratory for the College of Management and Economics, and one technical laboratory each for the satellite campuses.

Finally, he talked about Loving and Caring the University. Dr. Bacusmo emphasized everyone’s responsibility in keeping the University clean and beautiful. He encouraged all VSU constituents to help in maintaining cleanliness at the Eco Park as well as at the VSU Market. “We want to make this campus a better place for you, thus we put in place restrictions and regulations,” he said. Among these are: one-time use plastic in the market and bringing reusable bags or even net bags; forbidding students and the public to drink liquors and alcoholic beverages and to smoke cigarettes inside the campus; strolling around the campus half-naked; and leashing of pet dogs. He also reminded the faculty and staff, whose children insisted to smoke inside the campus, to reprimand them from those vices. “Parents, I know it is not easy but keep reminding your kids before this will have consequences on your living inside the campus and your integrity,” the University President stressed.

Moreover, the president reminded the VSU officials, instructors and professors, to respect those who are under their care—the weak and the vulnerable such as the students and the rank and file employees. He underscored that we cannot allow those with ascendancy or authority to abuse trust and confidence bestowed on them over students and employees whom they are suppose to respect, protect and nurture.

Dr. Bacusmo appealed to everybody to work together and keep the campus beautiful, peaceful, and a place where each of us can dream and make our dreams come true.

flowergarden 2014The Flower and Garden Show 2014 served as the opening salvo of the 90th (Nanogintennial) Founding Anniversary of the Visayas State University. It was held in the afternoon of August 1 at the VSU Social Garden.

Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, VSU President, was so elated with the presence of many plant exhibitors and enthusiasts whose number keeps on increasing every year. Dr. Bacusmo also emphasized that there is always something new that the exhibitors want to show to the plant lovers and other clients that would entice them to come to VSU every time it holds its anniversary.

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BAYBAY CITY, Leyte — Two VSU geodetic engineering alumni, both natives of Hilongos, were topnotchers in the August 2014 Geodetic Engineering Licensure Examinations.

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jlb saka2014Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, VSU President, is the recipient of the 2013 Regional “Gawad Saka” Award (Outstanding Agricultural Scientist) for Eastern Visayas. Dr. Bacusmo received a trophy and a cash award of PhP30,000 from Regional Executive Director Bernadette F. San Juan during the Department of Agriculture–Regional Field Office No. 8’s (DA-RFO 8) culmination of the Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Month on May 30, 2014 at the DA-8 Multipurpose Hall in Tacloban City.

As regional winner, Dr. Bacusmo will be competing with other winners from the different regions throughout the country in the 2014 National Gawad Saka Search (Outstanding Agricultural Scientist), the most prestigious award conferred by DA to an individual who has done outstanding research work in the field directly related to agriculture and fisheries.

As a result, the Gawad Saka National Technical Committee composed of Dr. Teodoro S. Solsoloy of the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) and Dr. Roberto Rañola of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) visited and interviewed Dr. Bacusmo on July 7-8, 2014 for field validation of his nomination as finalist to the 2014 National Gawad Saka Search for Outstanding Agricultural Scientist. Other members of the team who were not able to come to VSU are Dr. Edralina Serrano of UPLB, and Ms. Digna L. Sandoval of DA-BAR.

The criteria used in selecting the winner for the Regional/National Gawad Saka Award (Outstanding Agricultural Scientist) are as follows: a) Quality of scientific work – 32%; b) Productivity of the scientist – 23%; c) Creativity of the scientist – 20%; and d) Impact of research project/s conducted – 25% with a total of 100%.

Gawad Saka is an annual event of DA in cooperation with other government institutions, non-government organizations and the private sector which aims to give due recognition and to pay tribute to dedicated individuals and institutions whose exemplary accomplishments in their respective fields of endeavor and contribution in the country’s agricultural development are deemed worthy of emulation. JFMBaldos

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